This is a pretty big release. For starters, there’s a new “Quick Send” feature on the home page. This makes it easier to ‘just send a resume’. It takes the default Prospect and Cover Letter and send the selected Resume (in it’s default configuration) to the person entered.

Quick Send

Next is the a “SETUP PROGRESS” indicator for new users to help guide them through the process of setting up their first Resume. The steps check-off as they are completed and the bar will vanish once they’ve all been completed.

Set Up Bar

But the big new feature is “Opportunities”. An Opportunity binds a job posting or other hiring situation to a Resume Publication and Contact. When you send a Resume through an Opportunity, it still sends the same way on the back-end. But in terms of managing a job search, it does so much more. The Opportunity record also contains the original job posting, the timeline of activity for the job applicagion (including notes), and a way to indicate status (so you can look at the dashboard and know which jobs are still in play).

There’s even a scratch pad for taking notes during phone interviews. And you can archive jobs you did not get (or do not need because you were hired elsewhere). This takes them off the main console display, but does not delete them from the system. So the next time you need to look for work - for whatever reason - the complete history of your last job search is still in the system.


At this point the core system is pretty much feature-complete. The next step will be to drum up some more beta testers and then install a billing system and take this live.

After that, the next big milestone will be to re-code the mobile-web app with the Ionic Framework ( This will also allow for easy production of iOS and Android Apps.